After enrolling you will be free to access course material at any time. Simple visit the course index and click on the course you are enrolled in.
If you wish to query a delivery please contact us at:
Completion times vary for each workshop on the site. Time requirements are advised on course information pages. Workshops are designed to be completed at your own pace. Progress can be staged.
After successful completion of the workshop, you will be able to download a completion certificate. Certificates are designed to support GP QI&CDP Activity requirements or Continuing Professional Development requirements (e.g., CPD (Australia, Canada, Britain), PDU (US)).
These workshops have been designed to work on Windows and Mac desktop computers, and have been tested using all major web browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. For best results, we suggest Chrome or Firefox.
The workshops should work on both Apple and Android tablets and mobile devices, however some formatting and functionality may be lost (depending on the system being used).
In addition to a standard web browser, you will also need a PDF reader such as Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Course content is not optimised for smartphones and users may experience limitations with formatting due to small screen sizes.
Australian doctors can register the Active Learning Module (ALM) as a self-reported learning activity worth 40 category 1 RACGP QI&CPD points.
Steps for registering a self-directed Active Learning Module